January 2025
Dear Johnson Family, We are updated and can submit to the website again! Please send email or contact form if interested in the July 17–20, 2025 family reunion in New Orleans ! We expect about 200 attendees. EMP

February 2023
Cousin Dawn Perryman : Jack & Hettie Brown Johnson --William & Carline Johnson Perryman--Leo Sr. & Zelma Alexander Perryman --Dawn Marie
Dawn asked me to share about a
---Journey of Love ---
She is in the beginnings of converting her Stallo, Mississippi farmland into a community of affordable small homes and rental lots. A place of refuge to come together to share activities and support.

November 2022

October 2022

September 2022

J.T. Hampton was born on September 22, 1929, in DeKalb, Mississippi to the late Johnson Hampton and the late Lalar (Lampley) Hampton. When J.T. was 17 years old he moved to Detroit where he met and married Ruth (White) Hampton. To this union four children were born Phyllis Elaine, Deborah Anette, Pandora and J.T. Jr. Later in life he had another son Joshua Graves. On August 23, 1985, he was united in holy matrimony to Emma Bozeman with whom he enjoyed traveling to many places across the country. This blended family added 6 children 2 of which are now deceased. J.T. worked many years at the Ice Plant and Chrysler Motor Company. He established a landscaping service and was an avid gardener. He retired from GM after many years of service. J.T. was a God-fearing Man who prayed on a regular basis. He was thankful for all he had that was provided to him. He departed this earth at home with family on September 7,2022. preceding him in death are: J.T.'s mother and father, brothers Evert Otis, Sherman, William, Roosevelt and sister Bertha Lee. He leaves to cherish his memories his wife Emma Hampton, his three daughters Phyllis (Frederick), Deborah (Kent), Pandora (Prentiss), son Joshua, grandchildren: Steven, Ebony, Michael, Gene, Winston, Elontra, Pilar, Odie, Ashley and more than 20 great grandchildren, nephews, nieces, and a host of other family and friends. His surviving siblings are sisters: Lena Turner, Annie Myra Mason, Myrtle Elvira Hudson, and brothers: Marvin Hampton, Lamar Hampton, and Johnson Hampton Jr.
-Jack Johnson & JoAnna -Precilla (Johnson) Lampley -Lalar (Lampley) Hampton—J.T. Hampton
-Added many photos to California Reunion page and added to Priscilla and Caroline's page.
-Added photo and memorial to Mathew's gallery. Added Medgar Evers NAACP paper to In search of Freedom page
May, June, July, August 2022
Added photos to galleries. Gathered photos for memorial at reunion. Worked on Reunion photo page coming soon.
April 2022
Added Stinson photos courtesy of Hansel Stinson to the Mary Johnson (Blackwell) Gallery

March 2022
Congratulations to the Johnson-Blackwell-McCree Family ! Floyd McCree (1923-1988)


February 2022

January 2022

November 2021
2022 Johnson Family Reunion in San Francisco
July 21st-24th
Contact via this website if interested or our direct emails and phone numbers.
October 2021

September 2021

August 2021
A very time consuming study was done about the wives of Jack Johnson . Please click on the heading Wives at the top or bottom menu
July 2021
-Added photos to Frank Johnson gallery from Alonna.
-Created new page: In Search of Freedom. Go to bottom menu to locate and click on title to navigate to page.
-Added photos from Diane to the Priscilla Johnson page
-Added photos from Theresa and Venus to the William Johnson line
-Updated Caroline Johnson Page-Gallery-and Lenton children on Caroline's children page.

Photos were posted to the Frank Johnson, Matt Johnson and Caroline Johnson Gully pages.
Condolences to Danita Johnson and family on the death of her mother Ruby 5/23/21.

June 2021


May 2021

April 2021

March 2021
Happy 100th Birthday to Marcella Eichelberger-Hubbard !!!

From Cousin Toni S.:
Melvin Jerome Hall, born August 31, 1960, son of Ivory Hall and Gloria Johnson Hall passed away Thursday March 25th, 2021
Please advise if you are not getting email updates. It seems some of the names are dropping off due to the quantity registered in group emails.
I had some fun converting some of our ancestors photos to videos. Very Harry Potter like...a little weird but interesting!
February 2021
Added photos to various galleries. Timothy J. shared quite a lot of photos to the John E. Johnson page.
January 2021

Added obituaries shared by Daisy Moon and Joyce Taylor/Toni D. Smith to the Turner gallery
Shared a story from Toni Speaks on the DNA Connections page.
Added photos to some descendant galleries
Blessings and prayers to the family of Calvin Freeman, Jr.; his wife SueAnn and son Yusef.

Condolences to the family of Kimberly C. Culberson (1967-December 29, 2020) Kimberly is the daughter of Walter Marcus Culberson and granddaughter of Hettie Blanch Perryman.
Jack/Hettie ( Brown )Johnson ---Walter/Carline ( Johnson ) Perryman --- Robert L./Hettie Blanche (Perryman) Culberson (1909 -1988 )---Walter Marcus Culberson (1947-2011)-----Kimberly (1967 - 2020)

December 2020
GO TO BOTTOM MENU and click on titles and names for more pages. Added John E. Johnson children's page and more photos on other lines.

Added various photos to Johnson Galleries
November 2020

Condolences to the family of Lalar Sarah Wilson [Perkins] born February 7th, 1928 and died August 12th, 2020. Her mother Ina Johnson was the daughter of Johnnie Johnson and Daisy Welch.
Lalar Sarah Wilson Perkins
Lalar Sarah was born to Commodore and Ina Wilson in Gholson, Mississippi. Lalar was the seventh child out of ten: Adelade, Colon, Louis, Letha, HR, Olivia, Melissa, Grace and Shane.
Lalar Sarah Wilson married the apple of her eye, Richard Anderson Perkins July 28, 1951, they were married 67 years. Lalar and Richard were able to spend 10 years of quality time together before they welcomed their one and only son, Phillip. Lalar and Richard thanked God for blessing them with Phillip; they were determined to raise him in the fear and admiration of the Lord.
Lalar was a dedicated and faithful member of the Sharon SDA Church. Lalar loved working with children, in her early years she worked in ministry as a Sabbath School Teacher in the cradle role division, she was a Hostess and a Church Greeter. Lalar had an extraordinary gift of hospitality, she and Richard loved to host special events and gatherings for friends and family at their home. There was never a shortage of food or good Christian fun and fellowship.
Lalar was small in stature but big in spirit. Once you met her you would not forget her, she had a bit of wittiness about her, she would say things that would make you laugh then there were times she had no filter, she would tell you exactly what was on her mind.
Lalar looked forward to her retirement from Omaha Public Schools, it was not so that she could go on lavish shopping excursions or travel and tour the country but, it was so she could spend more time with her grandchildren. The highlight of her day was picking up her grandchildren from school. Lalar was very proud and spoke highly of them; she supported everything her son Phillip, daughter in-law Terri and her three grandchildren; Alesia, Phillip and Branden were involved in. Lalar never forgot a significate date; Birthday, Anniversary, or someone's Graduation; Lalar was not a big shopper for gift giving but one could always count on opening a card and money falling out.
Lalar had a big heart, God blessed her with the spirit of generosity, she would sacrifice her needs to give to others, she gave from the heart and looked for nothing in return. She believed to whom much is given much is required; she felt it was her duty to bless others as God had blessed her.
Lalar was very active until her health begin to gradually decline after the death of her husband Richard on March 21, 2019. It was rare that you would see Lalar without Richard by her side. Lalar missed her soulmate, she talked about how she was looking forward in seeing him again. Lalar was strong in her faith and believed in the Bible Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 4:16 -17; For the Lord Himself will
Descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
Preceded by:
Husband: Richard
Parents: Commodore and Ina Wilson
Siblings: Adelade, Colon, Louis, Letha, Grace, Melissa, HR, Olivia, and Shane
Survived by:
Son: Phillip (Terri)
Grandchildren: Alesia, Phillip and Branden
A host of Nieces, Nephews, Cousins, Godchildren and Lifelong Friends
Roeder Mortuary
October 2020
Candace & Carnell
Cousin Candace a descendant of Johnnie Johnson was married on September 5, 2020
(Jack Johnson-John Edward Johnson-Arthur Johnson-Perkins Johnson-Barbara Johnson Dye-Candace)


Added a page called Photo Identification
Added quite a few photos from Cousin Stanley and Cousin Valarie. Thank you !!!
Added a page called DNA Connections. See Menu. Shared the story of Angelina's search for her grandparents and shared her photos at William Johnson's gallery.
September 2020
Added photos to William Johnson's gallery/Hattie Roberts page. Shared by Gloria

We are saddened to share the news that Mark Perryman's wife Shelly Berry has passed away after a ten year battle with cancer. She leaves behind her husband Mark and loving children, Matthew and Danny. Please keep them in your prayers!
I added various photos from my archives to some of the galleries. Enjoy reviewing the pages!
Harold shared photo of Lawrence Johnson, Sr. and Lurlee Hampton Johnson.
Cousin Brittany shared photos under the Johnnie Johnson page.
Wesley W. shared a photo of George Sr & Jr at Annie Turner Cannon's funeral in 1961. It is on the Jane Johnson Turner gallery page.
Shared photos to the Priscilla Johnson gallery from M. Elvira
Added Daisy Eichelberger to the Hettie Brown Johnson page from Latressa

Condolences to the family of Delores Murry Welch (1943-2020). "Lois" lost her battle to cancer on August 25, 2020. Please keep her family and friends in your prayers.Her obituary and family photos are on the Johnnie Johnson page .
Please say prayers for the family of Daisy Holmes Moore. Daisy is a descendant of Ben and Betti Alexander Eichelberger. Daisy was born in Kemper county on April 11, 1925 and deceased September 5, 2020.

August 2020
Photos added to Johnnie Johnson page. Shared by Lenore O.
Added link to excellent read about Kemper Reconstruction which includes our ancestors under our Murder and Mayhem page :

Cousin Sonya B. shared the passing of Samuel Neely. Sammy was the son of Lula Gully (1889-1977) and Aaron Neely (1865-1930). While not a direct Johnson descendant he is a part of the extended Johnson Family. Please send your prayers for the family.

Cousin Sonya, an accomplished violinist is offering virtual lessons to beginner/intermediate students. To be considered for this wonderful opportunity a short video and essay is required. Further information was sent via the Johnson family email chain. If you need the contact again email me or send request through this website's contact form.-emp
Thank you to John Lee Jr for photos added to Jim Johnson page
Condolences to the Family of Denise Carr. Denise was the daughter of Ruth Welch Thornton and granddaughter of Att Welch and Hallie Turner.
(Descendants of Jane Johnson Turner).

Please send your prayers to the family of Annie Pearl Turner Moore. She was the daughter of Lamarl "Buddy" (1923-2012) and Kathryn Johnson Turner -emp

Looking for a way to give back? Katie Hall S. has shared a website where you can transcribe Freedmen's Bureau records for the Smithsonian:
More photos shared and uploaded at various pages. Happy Searching!
July 2020
Thank you to Juanita Turner A. and her daughter Gwendolyn S. for their contributions to the Jane Johnson Turner photo gallery.They provided many of the children of Willie and Mary Delia Stinson Turner obituaries to share at the Johnson Family website.
Added a page on the Pardon of Murderess Hattie Johnson Roberts. See below menu to navigate.

Please send prayers to the Family of Mamie Mitchell Johnson . Mamie was the wife of Everette Walter Johnson (1920-2000), a descendant of Francis Marion Johnson.

In sympathy for the family of Mollie Kate Murray Perryman who passed away the morning of July 2, 2020 (married to Lafayette Perryman (1921-2018)
Beautiful photo of Annie Turner Cannon and husband shared by Gwendolyn C. on Jane Johnson Turner pages
I am always in awe of how family resemblances can carry so far down the Johnson line. Shown below are of ancestor Jack born 1820-22 and Hettie born 1851 with current family member Commie and Cathleen.

Added a Sallie Johnson Reed children's page
Added photos to Sallie Johnson home page
Added photos to Priscilla's page and others
June 2020

In sympathy for the Family of Hazel Turner Bracey ( September 23, 1923 - June 18, 2020 )

Below is a Winston County, MS "Saving Rural America" Link. Copy and paste in your browser.
Some photos are of our family.
I was very impressed with the work done by Frank Taylor.
Go to their website and look around.
Added multi images/documents to the Caroline Gully page and Priscilla Lampley page and created a Children of Caroline Johnson and Priscilla Johnson page.
Added to various Johnson lines (photo galleries) and photos to the slave owner page.
Added several short videos
Supporting Family : Martina, the wife of of a descendant of Att Welch and Hallie Turner has written her first book. It can be purchased at Amazon.

May 2020
Added photos to Jane, Frank and Carline's pages

April 2020

Please pray for the family of: Dixie Lee [Perryman] Wheaton. Dixie passed away April 5, 2020 in California. She was born March 25, 1936 in Mississippi. Dixie was the mother of Robert Perryman Wheaton, James D. Wheaton and O. Andrew Wheaton. Her husband Dr. Robert Elmer Wheaton preceded her in death. (1925 – 1974). (Jack/Hettie-Carline-Curtis-Dixie)
March 2020
Added Mary Johnson Blackwell's death certificate to her page
Added Callie Johnson Donald's death certificate to William Johnson's page
Added photos to Jane Johnson Turner page in the photo gallery
Created a new page : Jane Johnson Turner children: Navigate at bottom menu
Toni S. shared the obituary of Tyson Nethery Turner who passed on February 18, 2020. Please keep the family in your prayers. The Obituary is placed on the Jane Johnson [Turner] page in the photo gallery.

Added photos to the Mary Johnson Blackwell page. Courtesy of descendant Stanley M.
Added WPA Writings page . See Menu
Toni S. shared the obituary of Lorene Turner Reed who passed on February 8, 2020. Please keep the family in your prayers. The Obituary is placed on the Jane Johnson [Turner] page in the photo gallery.

February 2020

Updated the Murder and Mayhem page and included some articles on the conviction of three Kemper County men that were brutalized into false confessions. This resulted in the Brown v. Mississipppi ruling in 1936. A young law student is reseaching this case and has asked if any family members would want to share their parents and family experiences of living with racial strife in Kemper County during those times.
I added photos submitted by Shani L and Emonnie (descendants of Jane Johnson through her eldest daughter Mary Turner who married Walter Perryman. Walter is the brother of Carline Johnson's husband William). The photos appear in the Jane Johnson Turner gallery.
January 2020
William "W.G." Johnson passed on January 3rd 2020. His services will be Thursday, January 9, 2020 at Preston, MS, Pentecostal Church, Bloomfield Rd. at 11 am.
Our condolences to his family.

December 2019
Added photos shared by Gail on Frank Johnson's gallery.
October and November 2019
Added photos to Matt Johnson's page
Added Photos to Carline Johnson Perryman page
Thank you to Yusef and SueAnn F. for sharing photos to the Frank Johnson gallery.
Thank you to Murdic for sharing the obits of A.J Coleman and Cenia Clark Turner and the photo of Alex and Jane Johnson Turner with the car behind them. These were uploaded to the Jane Johnson page.
Prayers to the Families of A.J. Coleman, Cenia Maybelline Clark Turner, and Jeanette Louise Perryman who passed in September.


For Alice McIntosh Poole: Funeral Services will be held Saturday August 31st, 2019 at 3 pm at St. Mark's United Methodist Church in DeKalb, MS Visitation at New Haven Memorial Funeral Home 5-7pm Friday August 3oth.
August 26, 2019, Alice McIntosh Poole, daughter of Jimmy “Dee” McIntosh and Helene Johnson has passed away this morning. She was loved by so many and dedicated her life to taking care of anyone in need. She was our special Griot of the family. Details to follow when available.
I have high speed internet at my home but noticed that some photos are taking a little longer to load especially on the Cleveland Reunion page. Please email me if you are having trouble with the load speed. If necessary, I can go in and change the resolution to reduce the size of the file. Feedback is appreciated.
Added obits to Frank's page, shared by Linda T. Thank you ! Added some additional photos to the page as well.
A wonderful JOHNSON FAMILY REUNION in Cleveland, Ohio! Photos will be added in the following weeks. Submissions appreciated to Elaine's email.
Added a John "Jack" Johnson picture to his page. Please note: Many photos have been shared by family members and it is sometimes a struggle to authenticate. We usually will post if different lines have the same photo or drawing of a photo. Please use your own determination in what we present. We appreciate feedback!
Added two youthful photos to Everette's page. In one photo his eyes appear to be different. That could be photography or processing differences or a mis-marked photo.
Added some wonderful photos from Edwina including Georgia Jack Johnson and children.
Added a photo to Frank Johnson's page of Luther and Lelia with children.
June-July 2019
Great archived story from Toni S. on the Turner line. Listed on Jane Johnson's page
Photos uploaded on Priscilla's page from the Clark's
Photos uploaded on Johnnie's page: Otho line from Pat L., Perkins line from Candace H.
PLEASE NOTE: I have a lot of photos to upload and will do so after the reunion. Also, will restore some photos and re-submit. Thank you for your email contributions everyone!!!
In Memory of Delories Jackson Puckett born April 11,1930 - July 7, 2019. Parents, Claudie McClain and Anderson Jackson, Sr. Children with husband Lafon Johnson : Ruth, Paulette, Linda and Donata.
Shared by Karen B. :
Reunion planning time! All excited for the Johnson Family Reunion in Cleveland, Ohio (August 2nd - 3rd). Send your contact information from this website if you haven't received an invite! We welcome all extended family!
Shared by Katie Smith, a must view website : www.slavevoyages.org
Please go to the Caroline Gully page for a family history report that Karen shared.
May 2019
-Family member requested information on Wiley Rowe's 1932 murder. He was married to Brooke Perryman. Brooke was daughter to Walter C. Perryman who was married to Mary Turner (Johnson from the first set). Article in newspaper with incorrect spellings seem to indicate that the murder was committed at his father-in-law's home by a neighbor. Article posted under new page: Misc. accessible from top menu.
-In memory of Callie M. Johnson (daughter of Annie Turner and Howard Hollingsworth) wife of W.G. Johnson (son of William Johnson and Merecy Rush -Davenport).
February 25th, 1931-April 28th, 2019

April 2019
Added some archived material on Alexander's. Go to Hettie's page for review.
March 2019
Reunion registrations for August 2-3, 2019 are rolling in ! Please contact us if you didn't receive an invite. Some email contacts need updating ! Family, share the invite . Thank you !
- The hotel discount codes for those who have requested to stay at our Reunion venue have went out via email. If anyone wants to add a stay at that location please contact us via email or the form on our home page.

In Memory of Gurtherine Riddle Fitzgerald who died December 2018 at the age of 106 years old. Gurtherine was the daughter of Ruth Johnson and Ike Riddle.

In Sympathy to the Families:
Lafayette Perryman, (b 2-27-1921 - d 8-5-2018) Jack Johnson/Hettie Brown---William E. Perryman/Carline Johnson---Lafayette
Hettie "Hedy" (Johnson) Williams, (b 1939 - d 2018) Jack Johnson/Hettie Brown---Everette Johnson/Cora Triplett---Hedy
Ron Poole, (b 5-2-1933 - d 6-26-2018) Husband of Alice (J.) P.
William "Billy" Perryman, (b 8-5-1930 - d 5-28-2018 ) Johnson/Hettie Brown---William E. Perryman/Carline Johnson---Walter "Patie" Perryman/Anne Romanoski---Billy
Andrew "Andy" Perryman, (b 6-24-1954 - d 3-11-18) Johnson/Hettie Brown---William E. Perryman/Carline Johnson---Walter "Patie" Perryman/Anne Romanoski---Richard Perryman/Wanda (living)---Andy
Elizabeth J. (Lamson) Perryman, (b 6-26-1932 - d 2-21-18) Wife of Walter J. P.
The Jim Johnson, Wilson, & Horne families have extended an invitation to their July 6th Friday fish fry at Horne Lake and get together at Bridges Venue in Philadelphia, MS for on Saturday July 7th, 2018. Cost is $35. Come and meet family ! It is asked that payment be made by May 31st, 2018. Contact us at this site and we will email you their information.
Added Misc. Photos