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Husband: Alex Turner
Jane Johnson married Alex- Alic -Alexander Turner. He was born July 8th, 1856 and died February 20th, 1940.
The names of the children have appeared differently in the census and enumeration at school. Dates varied especially at the school level. Sometimes people other than the parent would register children so multiple documents have to be considered in older records.

1. Mary Turner [Perryman]
was born in 1877 in Kemper County, Mississippi and died June 30, 1936 in Stallo, Neshoba County, Mississippi.
Mary was married to Walter C. Perryman ( June 22, 1874 - February 5, 1943 ) Walter's brother, William Elijah Perryman was married to Carline Johnson. Carline was the daughter of John "Jack" Johnson 1820.
Walter had three children with Mary Turner before her death separated them. Walter remarried three additional times.
1F: Brookie Mae Perryman [Rowe], ( June 24, 1897 - August 21, 1983 )
2F: Bertha Perryman [McCann] [McElroy], ( April 5, 1899 - July 15, 1987 )
3F: Gertie P. Perryman [Thigpen], ( May 12, 1902 - June 19, 1980 )
Brookie Mae's husband Wiley Rowe died tragically in 1932 after being shot by a neighbor. See information under the Murder and Mayhem page.

2. James “Jim” Turner
was born in Kemper County, Mississippi September 26, 1879 and died in Noxubee County, June 25, 1961. Jim was married to Lucy Welch ( October 21, 1883 - December 13, 1958 ). Lucy's brother Attison married Jim's sister Hallie Turner. In addition Lucy's sister Daisy married John Edward Johnson.
1M: Norman Turner ( February 20, 1903 - November 18, 1993 )
2M: Lemuel Turner ( January 3, 1905 - March 31, 1993 )
3F: Ruby Turner [Baylor], ( September 15, 1906 - March 30, 1993 )
4M: Clint Turner ( February 6, 1908 - September 25, 1932 )
5F: Mirthea Turner [Flowers], ( May 9, 1909 - November 20, 2003 )
6F: Lillian Turner [Alexander], (October 21, 1910 (9) (11) - October 26, 1998 )
7M: James Turner, Jr. ( b 1911 )*
8M: Alvin Turner ( May 7, 1912 - April 12, 1947 )
9F: Francis Turner ( b 1913 ) *
10M: Bennie Turner ( October 2, 1914 - June 26, 1991 )
11M: Rupert Turner ( April 15, 1915 - May 23, 1998 )
12F: Odessa Turner [Wooten], ( January 2, 1917 - March 25, 2007 )
13M: Dazel Turner ( December 16, 1918 - January 1, 1993 )
14M: Willie Marshall Turner ( October 1, 1920 - December 27, 2007 )
15F: Grace Turner [Gatheright], ( June 7, 1922 - April 20, 2011 )
16M: Osber Turner ( May 10, 1924 - March 9, 2002 )
17M: John Murphy Turner ( May 27, 1927 - April 28, 1996 )
18F : Daisy Turner [Wells], ( December 23, - June 7, 2019 )
* Dates and Names of Jim and Lucy's children changed with the census and other documents . The added two names may be a child who died or had a name change. If a birthdate had multiple years I put it in parenthesis. There is also a Frank (male) in the Mississippi enumeration of children. Perhaps that is Francis noted as a female in a census or simply a neighbor child Jim enrolled in school with his other children.

3. Clint Turner
was born January 1, 1882 and died in 1953. His wife was Mamie Barefield (1886 (7) - July 2, 1944 )
1F: Roosevelt "Rose" Turner [Langford] [Jack] ( September 24, 1903 - February 13, 1991 )
2M: John Alex "Buddy" Turner ( December 28, 1904 - October 1965 )
3F: Maggie Turner [Coleman], ( July 7, 1906 - Januart 14, 1969 )
4M: Etheridge Turner ( March 13, 1908 - 1955 UNV )
5M: Elbert Turner ( June 23, 1910 - December 1964 UNV )
6F: Lovie Turner [Sudbury], ( September 5, 1913 - September 27, 1994 )
7M: John Henry Turner ( April 1915 - September 1975 ) John Henry and his sister Lovie married Sudbury siblings.
8M: Willie Nethery Turner ( April 23, 1917 - January 13, 1987 )
9M: Evans Grady Turner ( June 21. 1920 - May 27, 1992 )
10F: Annie Turner [Hudson], ( May 19, 1923 - February 11, 1972 )
11M: Mitchell Turner ( April 6, 1925 - July 6, 1994 )

4. Maggie Turner [McCann]
was born January 4, 1884 and died in Neshoba County, MS . She was married to Mack C. McCann, Jr ( April 15, 1885 - April 20, 1941 ).
They had no children.

5. Willie Turner
was born February 24, 1887 and died October 28, 1977. He was married to Mary Delia Stinson ( October 2, 1890 - April 1, 1951 ). He married secondly, Lillian Welch, daughter of John Welch and Nellie McIntosh.
1F: Annie Turner [Hollingsworth], ( February 1909 - Januray 5, 2000 )
2F: Bertha Turner [Coleman], ( August 25, 1910 - August 1, 2004 )
3F: Leatha Turner [Johnson], ( August 22, 1915 - August 5, 2002 )
4F: Pearlie Turner [Newsome], ( October 15, 1916 - January 5, 2016 )
5F: Catherine Turner [Jack] ( May 4, 1919 - September 29, 1950 )
6M: Homer Turner ( June 1, 1921 - December 14, 1986 )
7M: Elder Mack Turner ( May 7, 1923 - October 19, 2006 )
8F: Helen Turner [Watkins], (March 25, 1925 - November 14, 2017 )
9F: E. Turner [H.] Living
10F: Louise Turner [Turner] [Hathorne], (February 20, 1929 - September 24, 2002 )
11F: J. Turner [A.] Living
I do not know the birth order of the three children listed below nor their birth and death dates as they didn't appear in census':
12F: Norvell Turner- reportedly died as a child
13F: Margaretta Turner-reportedly died about 5 years of age.
14M: Willie Turner- reportedly died as a child

6. Annie Turner [Cannon]
was born May 11, 1888 in Mississippi and died August 28, 1961 in Arkansas. She was married to George Washington Canon ( January 14, 1887 - July 13, 1963 )
1M: Leonard Cannon ( December 13, 1907 - May 22, 1990 )
2M: Alex Cannon ( July 11, 1909 - November 10, 1977 )
3M: Fred Cannon ( August 1, 1911 - October 15, 1993 )
4F: Mary Cannon [Dulaney], ( May 18, 1913 - March 14, 2006 )
5M: Lester Cannon, Twin ( February 27, 1915 - March 20, 1988 )
6M: Sylvester Cannon, Twin ( February 27, 1915 - March 13, 2008 )
7M: Oscar Cannon ( March 24, 1919 - September 5, 2008 )
8F: Lydie Cannon [Jasper] [Wilks] ( January 14, 1922 - September 7, 1982 )
9M: Robert Cannon ( January 15, 1924 - May 21, 2018 )
10M: Harvey Cannon ( November 24, 1926 - May 26, 1983 )
11M : George Cannon, Jr. ( 1929 - )

7. Brooks Turner
was born November 25, 1890 although a census indicated December. He died September 9, 1951. Brooks was married to Annie Lampley ( October 9, 1896 - August 6, 1981 in Detroit, Michigan ). Annie's stepmother was Priscilla Johnson [Lampley].
1F: Girtha Cornelia Turner [Roberts], ( August 11, 1913 - December 18, 1988 )
2M: Johnnie Turner ( December 20, 1915 - January 14, 1990 )
3M: Artis Turner ( December 10, 1916 - October 26, 1983 )
4M: Nolan A. Turner ( December 26, 1918 - September 11, 1951 )
5M: Varies Turner ( August 7, 1920 - April 15, 2000 )
6M : Marvin Brooks Turner ( February 22, 1922 - August 31, 2007 )
7F: Hazel Turner [Bracey], ( September 23, 1923 - June 18, 2020 )
8M: W. Turner, Living
9F: M. Turner [W.], Living
10M: Therman Turner ( January 16, 1929 - March 5, 2017 )
11M: Ezell Turner ( January 29, 1931 - May 15, 2017 )
12 F: E. Turner [T.], Living
13F: Edna Earl Turner [Jackson], ( January 27, 1935 - February 17, 1998 )
14F: M. Turner [J.], Living
15F: A. "J" Turner [ B.], Living
16M : L. Turner, Living
17F: M. R. Turner [F.][G.] , Living

8. Durant Turner
was born in 1892 and died in 1986. He was married to Addie Kirk ( 1892 (4) - 1945 )
1F: Annie Turner [Coleman] (July 1, 1917 - May 11, 1966 )
2F: Notreous Lucille Turner ( August 1919 - April 15, 1936)
3M: Lamarl Turner ( December 13, 1923 - January 20, 2012 )
4F: Velma Idell Turner [Grady], (July 7, 1921 - October 9, 2018 )

9. Sadia Viola Turner
was born February 15, 1895 and died January 22, 1911. She died tragically from being scalded. There was nothing the family could do at the time to ease her suffering as she lay dying.

10. Hallie Turner [Welch]
Hallie was born October 30, 1896. The census indicated November. She died October 28 , 1977. Hallie was married to Attison Welch ( May 6, 1892 - October 11, 1981 ) Her sister-in-law Lucy married her brother Jim. Attison's siblings Daisy (Johnnie) and Millie (Matt) married Johnson's.
1M: Carraus Welch ( March 10, 1919 - January 10, 2008 )
2M: Norris Welch ( July 25, 1920 - May 16, 2004 )
3M Gotchi Welch ( September 23, 1923 - May 5, 2008 ) Married his second cousin Olivia Wilson, granddaughter of Johnnie Johnson
4M: Virgil Lee Welch Sr. (October 5, 1931 - May 7, 1999 )
5F: Lillie Welch [McIntosh]
6F: Ruth J. Welch [Thorton]
7F: Phedoria Welch [Jackson] (October 28, 1927 - March 8, 2010 )
8F: Letha Welch [Watkins],

11. John Allen Turner
was born November 11, 1898 and died December 1982 in Cook County, Chicago, Illinois. He was married to Margretta Kaufman ( September 17, 1908 - April 9, 1954 ).
1F: J. Turner [W.], Living
2F: M. Turner, Living

12. McKinley Turner
was born August 1, 1901 and died August of 1978. He was married to Eva ( ) . They had no children.