2019 Johnson Family Reunion in Cleveland, Ohio
What a wonderful time shared by all! We will be adding photos here in low resolution. If you would like a higher resolution for printing, please contact Elaine . These photos were done by Nicole Limon.

2019 Johnson Family Reunion at Ritz-Carlton in Cleveland, Ohio




The readers



Trivia Game
I was amazed at the competitiveness in every group! Afterwards many asked for a listing of Johnson trivia. We will create a page called Robert's Trivia this month.
The Trivia Winners:


Heartwarming Story:
Carlton and I have been exchanging texts and phone calls for about two years. When I sent him the reunion info he was unsure if he was going to make it. He didn’t really know his father’s side of the family and had recent shoulder surgery. I probably pestered him a bit but he decided to attend with his wife.
They flew out of St. Louis to Cleveland and became acquainted with their seat mate who connected from a flight out of Texas. “Why are you headed to Cleveland?” they asked the woman named Sonya. She replied, “Oh, to attend a Johnson Family Reunion!” That exciting exchange was the beginning of a wonderful weekend according to Carlton.
He said here it is mid week already and he still can’t contain his excitement sharing how he felt that he found his people and everyone was holding a spot for him. He belongs.
I think that is the sentiment of everyone when they connected at a previous reunion or this one. We all belong to each other with ease. It is a welcoming almost surreal feeling that all the cousins give each other. We are blessed. -emp


Pat shares her story about Helen

Karen shares her story about finding out her mentor and co-worker Michelle is her cousin and about launching her new business.

Michelle shares about meeting another business woman who turns out to be a cousin. She also shares about the importance of mentoring when successful.

Michael shared his key to success with the young people.
Our talent portion was inspiring! We were awestruck!
I will add video soon.




Johnnie Johnson Group
If you click on a photo it will enlarge. For the website I had to reduce resolution. If you need higher resolution for print let me know! Advise of any corrections. THX!
Submissions from Family: